7th international Salon of Decanter Awarded Wines 2021

Event description

We invite winemakers to the Wine Salon Decanter Award Winners in order to present their awarded wines in person.


Much to our satisfaction, the value of Decanter awards is being recognized by increasing numbers of wine lovers and buyers. We believe that the efforts of previous Salons, aimed at awakening the awareness of the excellence of the wines reaping Decanter medals, have flourished and found fertile ground. Salon is a public event with general public admittance.

The Salon is supported by DECANTER magazine, DWWA team members will be personally present at the event.

The event is open to any wines receiving DWWA awards with the focus on wineries from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, North Macedonia, Serbia, Italy, Austria and other countries. Distributers and importers are welcome to show awarded wines they represent.


The vision pursued by the organization of the Salon is the strengthening of the trusted quality of award-winning wines amongst the broadest Slovenian as well as foreign public. This year, the Salon will again present to the general public the flavour of wines, the quality of which has been internationally recognized by the leading worldwide wine competition. We wish to further solidify the credibility of Decanter medals with Slovenian wine lovers and prove that the quality they stand for can be trusted beyond reproach. The wines that received these internationally renowned awards certainly deserve no less.

Goals of the Salon of Decanter Award Winners 2021:

  • promoting the quality of award-winning wines and winemakers,
  • attracting the broadest range of wine experts, wine lovers and the business public so that they may become acquainted with award-winning wines,
  • raising the visibility of the importance of Decanter awards among the broadest range of wine experts, wine lovers and the business public,
  • connecting award-winning winemakers with restaurants, importers and buyers at home and abroad,
  • building upon the international renown of the Salon and solidifying the regional importance of the event,
  • assuring proper publicity and a wide response to the event through the invitation of international press and, achieving the visibility and recognition of Decanter awards by way of planned and directed communication.



Fee for participants with one sample*:

210 €

Fee for participants with two or three samples*:

295 €

Fee for participants with four or more samples*:

385 €

 *Prices do not include VAT.


The fee includes:

  • A table for the winery to present wines at the Salon
  • Your winery details and your awarded wine will be included in the Salon catalogue
  • Two free ticket per table for presenting your wines
  • Free ice to cool down your wines
  • Clean glasses will be available for visitors
  • Discount for Salon tickets:
    • 1-4: 28 €
    • 5 tickets or more 25 €

Regular price for the tickets: 30€ - presale, 35 € - on the day of the event. Ticket prices include 9,5%  VAT which will not be charged to VAT companies.

When and where
September 7th 2021, Hotel Slon, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Event registration
Event Quantitiy Price
Participation with one sample
311,10 €
Udeležba z dvema ali tremi vzorci
439,20 €
Udeležba s štirimi do šestimi vzorci
573,40 €


Slovenija, vinska dežela je referenčno knjižno delo, ki je nastalo izpod peresa slovenskega vinskega poznavalca z mednarodnim ugledom Roberta Gorjaka, in je zasnovano na avtorjevih dolgoletnih izkušnjah in spoznanjih.

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